Template for a plugin


A complete template for a Firely Server plugin can be found on Github. It covers all details on how to create a custom operation and how to use Firely Server services internally.

A regular Firely Server plugin acts on the IVonkContext and its IVonkRequest and IVonkResponse properties.

You don’t have to create ASP.NET Core middleware yourself. You just need to create a service acting on IVonkContext. In the configuration you can specify when the service should be called, and in which position in the pipeline it should be put. See Interaction Handling for details on that.

You can use the following code as a template for a plugin:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Extensions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Vonk.Core.Context;
using Vonk.Core.Context.Features;
using Vonk.Core.Pluggability;
using Vonk.Fhir.R3;
using F = Hl7.Fhir.Model;

namespace com.mycompany.vonk.myplugin

   public class MyPluginService
      public async Task Act(IVonkContext vonkContext)
         var (request, args, response) = vonkContext.Parts();
         //do something with the request
         //write something to the response
         response.Payload = new F.Patient{Id = "pat1"}.ToIResource();
         response.HttpResult = 200;

   [VonkConfiguration(order: 5000)]
   public static class MyPluginConfiguration
      public static IServiceCollection AddMyPluginServices(IServiceCollection services)
         return services;

      public static IApplicationBuilder UseMyPlugin(IApplicationBuilder app)
         app.OnCustomInteraction(VonkInteraction.system_custom, "myOperation").HandleAsyncWith<MyPluginService>((svc, context) => svc.Act(context));
         return app;