Deploy Firely Server on a reverse proxy


For ASP.NET Core 1.0 Microsoft suggested to always use another web server in front of Kestrel for public websites. For ASP.NET Core 2.0, while this is not a hard constraint anymore there are still a series of advantages in doing so:

  • some scenarios like sharing the same IP and port by multiple applications are not yet supported in Kestrel

  • helps in limiting the exposed surface area

  • provides an additional layer of configuration and defense

  • provides process management for the ASP.NET Core application (ensuring it restarts after it crashes)

  • in some scenarios a certain web server already integrates very well

  • helps simplifying load balancing and SSL setup

Hence using a reverse proxy together with the Kestrel server allows us to get benefits from both technologies at once.

With IIS

A common option on Windows is using IIS: for instructions on how to deploy Firely Server on IIS see Deploy Firely Server on IIS.

For a comparison of IIS and Kestrel features at the moment of this writing you can check here.

With Nginx

A popular open source alternative is Nginx. For instruction on how to deploy Firely Server on Nginx see Deploy Firely Server on Nginx on Linux