Deserialization with POCOs and XmlReader

With the FhirXmlPocoDeserializer have added a deserializer that deserializes POCO’s directly from XmlReader objects, achieving higher throughput than the existing serializers with a much smaller memory footprint.

To use it, we first create an XmlReader and a FhirXmlPocoDeserializer and then use the Deserialize function to deserialize the xml to the desired POCO:

var xml = "<Patient xmlns=\"\"> .. </Patient>";
var xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xml));
var deserializer = new FhirXmlPocoDeserializer(ModelInfo.ModelInspector);
var patient = deserializer.Deserialize<Patient>(xml);

You can see that the FhirXmlPocoDeserializer takes an takes a ModelInspector as an argument, which is the metadata about where the SDK’s POCO classes can be found and which will be used to create the resource encountered in the xml input text. If you are working with one specific version of FHIR (i.e. you are using a NuGet assembly for R4), there will be an overload that does not require the ModelInspector argument, and it will default to the version of FHIR you have included in your project.

Finding errors while deserializing

When calling Deserialize(), the SDK will throw a DeserializationFailedException when it encounters errors, so it might be wise to add some error handling:

var xml = "<Patient xmlns=\"\"> .. </patient>";
var xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xml));
var deserializer = new FhirXmlPocoDeserializer(ModelInfo.ModelInspector);

   var patient = deserializer.Deserialize<Patient>(xml);
catch (DeserializationFailedException e)

This exception has two properties:

  • Exceptions - A list of CodedException, which carries both a human-readable error and a code to be used for automated handling of errors.

  • PartialResult - A partly constructed POCO, containing as much data as was possible to deserialize from the input text.

The PartialResult allows you to access data from the input text, even if the SDK encountered errors, so you can display useful (debug) information to the user, or even continue working with the result, despite the errors. Be aware though, that data maybe lost when errors have been encountered.

When no exception is thrown, the returned POCO can be considered complete and structurally valid. Note however, that FHIR allows you to specify extensive validation rules using profiles, and the deserializer does not perform profile validation, just basic structural validation (e.g. cardinalities). See poco validation for more information.

The Exceptions property will contain a list of CodedException, and these might contain a mix of exceptions encountered by the parser (FhirXmlException) and the validator (CodedValidationException). These exceptions are coded, so they do not only contain a human-readable message, but a persistent code as well. The codes are defined as constants on the FhirXmlException class. Rather than maintaining a (probably outdated) table of codes here, it is preferable to glance the current set from the code.

Configuration options for the deserializer

The Deserialize() method can take an argument of type FhirXmlPocoDeserializerSettings which allows changing the default behavior of the deserializer:

  • You can indicate that you do not want to deserialize base64 encoded data - which will decrease both memory consumption and increase parsing speed. The original string text containing the base64 data can be retrieved (and subsequently decoded) using the elements ObjectValue property.

  • You can set a validator to use, which is called just after a value is parsed and just before it is used to set a property on the POCO. By default this setting contains an instance of the DataAnnotationDeserialzationValidator, which validates the values according to the validation attributes specified on the element in the generated POCO, and which will generally validate the basic structural validations provided by FHIR. See poco validation for more information about POCO validation with data attributes.