Code example for Bundle

In this paragraph, we provide a code example that sets up a Bundle that could be the response to a search request. Next to adding the resources to the Entry field, we have also added some extra data such as the total number of results. At the end, we have included the loop to walk through the Bundle entries.

// example searchset Bundle setup, fictional data only
var search_response = new Bundle();
search_response.Type = Bundle.BundleType.Searchset;

// adding some metadata
search_response.Id = "[insert temporary uuid here, or real id if you store this Bundle]";
search_response.Meta = new Meta()
        VersionId = "1",
        LastUpdatedElement = Instant.Now()

// we assume the search has already taken place on your database, and the resulting
// resources are available to us in a list called 'dataset'
search_response.Total = dataset.Count;

// for searches, we need to fill in the 'self' link, that represents the search request
// as understood by the server, e.g. ""
// if you are paging the response, also fill in the other relevant links, like 'next',
// 'last', etc.
search_response.SelfLink = new Uri("[search request]");

foreach (var r in dataset)
        var full_url = r.ResourceBase.ToString() + r.ResourceType.ToString() + r.Id;

        // instead of using AddResourceEntry, we use the search variant to also include
        // the search mode
        search_response.AddSearchEntry(r, full_url, Bundle.SearchEntryMode.Match);

// the Bundle is now ready to be sent to the requester

// walking through the entries in the Bundle:
foreach (var e in search_response.Entry)
        // Let's write the fully qualified url for the resource to the console:
        Console.WriteLine("Full url for this resource: " + e.FullUrl);

        // Do something with this resource, for example write human readable text of
        // the resource to the console:
        var resource = (DomainResource)e.Resource;
        Console.WriteLine("Human readable text of this resource: " + resource.Text);