Creating a FhirClient

Before we can do any of the interactions explained in the next part, we have to create a new FhirClient instance. This is done by passing the url of the FHIR server’s endpoint as a parameter to the constructor:

var client = new FhirClient("");

The constructor method is overloaded, to enable you to use a URI instead of a string. As second parameter to the constructor, you can specify whether the client should perform a conformance check to see if the server has got a compatible FHIR version. The default setting is false.

A FhirClient works with a single server. If you work with multiple servers simultanuously, you’ll have to create a FhirClient for each of them. Since resources may reference other resources on a different FHIR server, you’ll have to inspect any references and direct them to the right FhirClient. Of course, if you’re dealing with a single server within your organization or a single cloud-based FHIR server, you don’t have to worry about this. Note: the FhirClient is not thread-safe, so you will need to create one for each thread, if necessary. But don’t worry: creating an instance of a FhirClient is cheap, the connection will not be opened until you start working with it.

There’s a list of publicly available test servers you can use.

FhirClient communication options

To specify some specific settings, you add a FhirClientSettings to the constructor:

    var settings = new FhirClientSettings
            Timeout = 0,
            PreferredFormat = ResourceFormat.Json,
            VerifyFhirVersion = true,
            ReturnPreference = ReturnPreference.Minimal

var client = new FhirClient("", settings)

You can also toggle these settings after the client has been initialized.

To specify the preferred format –JSON or XML– of the content to be used when communicating with the FHIR server, you can use the PreferredFormat attribute:

client.Settings.PreferredFormat = ResourceFormat.Json;

The FHIR client will send all requests in the specified format. Servers are asked to return responses in the same format, but may choose to ignore that request. The default setting for this field is XML.

When communicating the preferred format to the server, this can either be done by appending _format=[format] to the URL, or setting the Accept HTTP header. The client uses the latter by default, but if you want, you can use the _format parameter instead:

client.Settings.UseFormatParameter = true;

If you perform a Create, Update or Transaction interaction, you can request the server to either send back the complete representation of the interaction, or a minimal data set, as described in the Managing Return Content section of the specification. The default setting is to ask for the complete representation. If you want to change that request, you can set the PreferredReturn attribute:

client.Settings.ReturnPreference = ReturnPreference.Minimal;

This sets the Prefer HTTP header in the request to minimal, asking the server to return no body in the response.

You can set the timeout to be used when making calls to the server with the Timeout attribute:

client.Timeout = 120000; // The timeout is set in milliseconds, with a default of 100000

Selecting a serializer

As described in the section on serialization, there are two parser families: the legacy XML and Json parsers that have been in the SDK for years, and the improved ones, introduced in SDK 4. Each of these parsers can be configured to ignore certain kind of errors (for example, to allow unknown elements). It is possible to configure the FhirClient to use the serializer family of your chosing. Here is an example, where we configure the FhirClient to use the newer serializer (and deserializer), in “strict” mode (refusing all syntactical errors in the json):

var client = new FhirClient("").WithStrictSerializer();

There are several other predefined options available:

  • WithLegacySerializer - The default. Use the legacy parser, configured to be “lenient”, allowing most errors that do not cause data loss. Note: these parsers will not allow unknown values for enumerated elements or unknown elements. It can be further configured using the FhirClient.Settings.ParserSettings property. This is basically the default behaviour since SDK 1.

  • WithStrictSerializer - Use the improved serializer, configured to parse the incoming data strictly.

  • WithStrictLegacySerializer - Use the legacy serializer, configured to parse the incoming data strictly.

  • WithLenientSerializer - Use the improved serializer, configured to ignore recoverable errors in the incoming data.

  • WithPermissiveLegacySerializer - Use the legacy serializer, configured to be permissive.

  • WithBackwardsCompatibleSerializer - Use the improved serializer, configured to ignore errors that can be caused when encountering data from a newer version of FHIR. NB: This may cause data loss.

  • WithBackwardsCompatibleLegacySerializer - Use the legacy serializer, configured to ignore errors that can be caused when encountering data from a newer version of FHIR. NB: This may cause data loss.

  • WithOstrichModeSerializer - Use the improved serializer, configured to ignore all errors. NB: This may cause data loss.

  • WithOstrichModeLegacySerializer - Use the legacy serializer, configured to ignore all errors. NB: This may cause data loss.

The most obvious difference between the two families, in the context of the FhirClient will be the fact that the new deserializer will throw a DeserializationFailed exception, while the legacy deserializer throws a FormatException (or subclass). For more info on the advantages of the new parsers, see the sections on serialization.

These extension methods will allow you to easily configure the FhirClient to support common scenario’s. If you need even more control of the parsing and serialization behaviour of the client, you can implement the IFhirSerializationEngine interface, and update the Settings.SerializationEngine setting accordingly.