Current Firely Server release notes (v5.x)


For information on how to upgrade, please have a look at our documentation on Upgrading Firely Server. You can download the binaries of the latest version from this site, or pull the latest docker image:

docker pull firely/server:latest

Release 5.6.0, April 11th, 2024


  1. (IMPORTANT) Implemented a check that all plugins specified in the pipeline options are available. If not, Firely Server won’t start. Please remove any missing configuration namespace from the appsettings if Firely Server encounters any error in the pipeline options during startup.

  2. (IMPORTANT) BDE: Group members that are marked as inactive (Group.member.inactive = true) or not active currently (based on Group.member.period) do not get exported via the group-based Bulk Data Export.

  3. (FSI) An ingestion recovery feature has been added. For details, see Recovery Journal.

  4. Added a config setting BundleOptions.DefaultTotal that sets the default _total argument value for search requests if not specified in the request itself. Setting it to none can improve query search performance. See Bundle Options.

  5. Pubsub notifications are now supported when MongoDB is used as a repository.

  6. Added ability to disable sending of AuditEvent-related notifications in PubSub. See Pub Sub Configuration.


  1. Firely SDK has been updated to v5.7.0 -


  1. (FSI) The --readPar CLI option (workflow/readParallel appsettings option) has been removed.

  2. Quartz has been removed from Firely Server. If you have a custom plugin that depends on Quartz, please make sure you install and initialize Quartz in the plugin itself.


  1. Fixed a NullReferenceException if one or more PubSub plugins are enabled but the config section is missing.

  2. Fixed an endless loop of loading conformance resources with invalid search parameters.

Release 5.5.2, March 6th, 2024


  1. Fixed a security vulnerability where the connection string to a MongoDB database acting as a Serilog sink was not redacted in the log on startup.

  2. Fixed a security vulnerability where the connection string set in the AutoUpdateConnectionString setting for any database was not redacted in the log on startup.

Please note that both settings are disabled by default. We recommend to change passwords configured as part of any of the connection strings mentioned above.

Release 5.5.1, February 19th, 2024


  1. (FSI) Fixed an error in indexing of contained resources when the target database is SQL Server. The issue causes an exception to be thrown when performing a search in Firely Server that filters resources based on a filed value from a contained resource. For example, an error would happen if the following search is performed GET {{BASE_URL}}/Observation?subject.gender=male if an Observation with the contained Patient subject had been ingested using FSI.

Release 5.5.0, February 6th, 2024


  1. Upgraded Firely Server to the latest Firely SDK v5.5.1, see its releasenotes. Any plugin using the ITypedElement interface must be recompiled using the Vonk.Core package version 5.5.* due to changes in the SDK.

  2. Added new documentation on how to interact as a client with the PubSub API of Firely Server. See PubSub Clients.

  3. Added new documentation on how to configure PubSub messaging on Azure Service Bus. See Azure Service Bus.

  4. Added a new configuration in the namespace Vonk.Plugin.Smart which enables the usage of SMART on FHIR v1 and v2 combined. The plugins Vonk.Smart and Vonk.Plugin.SoFv2 are now deprecated. The deprecated plugins will continue to work in the current major version of Firely Server. See SMART on FHIR Configuration for more details.

  5. Added a new setting to the MongoDb configuration to provide a different connection string for the auto-update of the database. See MongoDbOptions.AutoUpdateConnectionString.

  6. Added support for AccessPolicies in FHIR STU3.

  7. Added support for a No-Op check on Restful Update interactions. Firely Server can now check if a provided resource exactly matches the resource stored in the database and skip the update. See Update with no changes for more information.


  1. The HTTP headers ETag, Last-Modified and Content-Type were missing in a response from Firely Server in case a client included a request header with Prefer: return=minimal.

  2. The HTTP headers ETag and Last-Modified were incorrect in case a client included Prefer: return=OperationOutcome as a request header.

  3. Fixed the SearchParameter expression for AuditEvent.patient in FHIR STU3.


  1. Updated the version of Microsoft.Data.SqlClient from 5.1.0 to 5.1.4 to include a vulnerability patch. See CVE-2024-0056 for more details.



The current version of Firely Server (v5.5.0) does not support the use of In-Memory storage as administration database. This will be fixed in future versions of Firely Server. For now, it is advised to use the SQLite backend instead.

  1. Improved validation of Administration.Security.AllowedNetworks settings. Invalid IP addresses or IP address ranges are now rejected.


  1. Firely Server Ingest release cycle has been synchronized with the Firely Server release cycle. As of this version, the FSI changes will be captured on this page.


  1. For MongoDB we added an index to improve the performance for Update and Create requests, ix_cnt_id. The migration adding the index is executed automatically on startup.

Release 5.4.0, October 26th, 2023


  1. Firely Server can now interact asynchronously with a message broker (like RabbitMq or Azure Service Bus) using PubSub plugin. Resources can be ingested into Firely Server using a Firely Server-specific message. Additionally, all changes within the Firely Server database are broadcasted to the message bus. For more details, see Firely PubSub.

  2. Improved handling of $lastN where multiple Observations result in a tie based on their respective effective times.

  3. $lastN now uses a case-sensitive comparison for text-only Observations.

  4. $lastN now includes multi-codes in its grouping.

  5. Added documentation regarding MongoDB security best-practices. See Database security.

  6. Added support for MongoDB as a Serilog sink. See Changing the sink.

  7. Compartment-wide searches can now be executed on a system level.


  1. Fixed an internal server where when trying to use an invalid target within a patch operation.


  1. Updated the version of the base docker image from Alpine 3.14 to Alpine 3.18.

  2. Introduced a setting SendServerHeader in the Hosting section to suppress the network service banner. By default, it is set to false, so the Kestrel Server header will be removed in the response of a request.


    The setting SendServerHeader is applied only for Kestrel. If Firely Server is hosted differently, in IIS for example, and you want to remove the Server header, you need to handle it by yourself.


  1. Firely Server now allows for a custom location of configuration files to be set. See Providing settings in a different folder.

  2. When the AllowedProfiles setting is enabled, Firely Server will not allow non-profiled resources to be created or updated. This affects internally created AuditEvent and Provenance resources. For FHIR R4, Firely Server now uses for all AuditEvents IHE BALP meta.profile annotations. See Validating incoming resources for more information.

  3. The “Vonk.Smart” plugin and the “Vonk.Plugin.SoFv2” plugin can now be used interchangeably in the pipeline options. Both plugins now share the same functionality.

Release 5.3.0, September 18th, 2023


  1. The Da Vinci Member Attribution List implementation guide (ATR) is now officially supported by Firely Server. See Da Vinci - Member Attribution (ATR) List for more details.

  2. Improved performance when evaluating access policies.

  3. Improved access policies to evaluate permissions on a user-level based on a tenant id. See Permissions (AccessPolicy) for more details.

  4. Improved transaction support for handling invalid X-Provenance headers. Resources will not be created in case the corresponding X-Provenance is invalid, similar to the behavior using SQL server.

  5. Improved SQL error message in case the schema info is empty in the database.

  6. Improved the BinaryWrapper plugin to return a Location header after a successful read.

  7. Added support for logging to Splunk. See Application Insights for more details.

  8. Improved support for the CARIN BlueButton implementation guide by differentiating between HTTP Status Code 403 - Forbidden (insufficient scopes) and HTTP 401 - Unauthorized (no token provided).

  9. _include can now be used in combination with versioned references.

  10. This release includes a new setting for handling the conversion of absolute to relative references: UrlMapping. With this setting you can specify the FHIR Path of the elements that you would like to see converted. See Uri conversion on import and export for more details.


  1. Fixed an internal server error when passing empty values to required elements in case the setting PermissiveParsing is set to Strict and ValidationLevel is set to Full.

  2. Fixed an internal server error when posting a bundle resource to the bundle or transaction endpoint in case not all resources contained a pre-assigned ID.

  3. Fixed incorrect transaction handling when SQLite (for administration) and MongoDB are used in combination. This resulted in an internal server error when creating resources in an empty database.

Vonk.Core and Plugins

  1. The SupportsCustomOperation method has been deprecated. Please use SupportsOperation instead as that method takes the interaction level into account which is more aligned with the configuration options described in Enable or disable interactions.

Release 5.2.0, August 8th, 2023


  1. Firely Server now raises a configuration error if the https port is bound to the same port as http


  1. An informational message is now logged for auditing purposes if authorization for a request was successful. Previously only authorization failures were logged.

  2. Improved compartment checks for writing resources to a Patient compartment with a patient-level access token. All compartment references need to refer to the same compartment. This is important for resources that have multiple compartment references which may refer to different Patients (e.g. AllergyIntolerance.recorder and AllergyIntolerance.patient).

  3. Added support for permanently deleting all resources within a Patient compartment using the $purge operation. See Permanently delete resources - $erase / $purge for more details.

  4. Enable FS to write logs to AWS CloudWatch, see Changing the sink.

  5. We upgraded Firely Server to the latest SDK 5.2.0, see its releasenotes.


  1. The _count argument was not marked as handled in the case of an HTTP 401 - Unauthorized status code, leading to a superfluous warning message in the resulting OperationOutcome.

  2. modifierExtensions without a matching StructureDefinition in the administration database are no longer rejected when the validation level is set to “Core”.

  3. Improved transaction handling by making sure that accidentally providing a versionId in a resource within a transaction does not lead to versioned references.

  4. Fixed a bug in $everything running on SQL server that resulted in contained resources being returned as individual resources outside of their container.

  5. The SearchAnonymization plugin now also anonymizes URLs in a history bundle.

  6. The FHIR specification does not allow the use of arbitrary search parameters on the _history operation. Firely Server now enforces this and rejects those parameters.

  7. Simplifier projects specified under the AdministrationImportOptions were not imported on start-up

Release 5.1.1, June 29th, 2023


This is a security related release that addresses a vulnerability in Firely Server which may lead to unauthorized access using the $everything operation. This update is highly recommended for all customers.


  1. Fixed an issue where the $everything operation did not respect the patient launch parameter in the SMART on FHIR access token. This means that the user could have requested information belonging to a different patient than the one mentioned in the access token. This issue only happened when an access token used for $everything actually contained a patient launch context such as when allowing a patient to request its own record.

  2. Fixed an issue where the $everything and $export operation would potentially return resources belonging to different users or patients when running the these operations on a MongoDB database. In case a Patient shared a common resources with another Patient, e.g. a Group resource, all data would be returned even if it would be outside of the compartment of the Patient requesting the data.

Release 5.1.0, June 20th, 2023

Firely Server 5.1.0 brings enhanced support for Bulk Data Export 2.0, FHIR R5 (5.0.0) and several other features.

Existing installations may be affected by the fixes on composite search parameters for the SQL Server database repository.


  • The SQL Server database schema is upgraded from version 26 to 27. The upgrade will be applied automatically, but if you have a very large database you may want to apply it manually using the script FS_SchemaUpgrade_Data_v26_v27.

  • This implies that you also need to upgrade Firely Server Ingest to version 2.2.0, to match the new database schema.


  • The HistoryOptions configuration option has been removed, so you can delete it from your configuration in appsettings.instance.json or environment variables as well. The returned resources will be limited by the settings in the BundleOptions, see Search size.

  • The Bulk Data Export upgrades (see below) come with a few extra configuration settings, see Bulk Data Export


  • Firely Server is upgraded to the release version (5.0.0) of FHIR R5. If you have your administration database in SQL Server or MongoDB, this means that the conformance resources will be re-imported.

  • We included with fixes for a few resources and search parameters that have errors in the specification. These are imported automatically at startup.

  • We upgraded Firely Server to the latest SDK 5.1.0, see its releasenotes.

  • Bulk Data Export is enhanced with new support for:

    • patient Filter

    • _elements filter

    • HTTP POST with a Parameters resource

    • export to Azure Blob or Azure Files, see Bulk Data Export for related settings

  • Our public Postman collection proving support for US-Core is updated, see 21st Century Cures Act, §170.315 g(10) Standardized API for patient and population services - 🇺🇸

  • Updated our vulnerability scanning, to further enhance your trust in our binaries and images.

  • Cross-origin requests (CORS) are restricted to requests from secure connections.

  • The following security headers were added:

    • to the html output (the homepage): script nonce="...", cache-control, content-security-policy, referrer-policy, x-content-type-options

    • and to API response: cache-control:no-store

  • You can configure limits on Kestrel, see http and https, although using a reverse proxy is still preferred.

  • Added a configuration error to the log if the default information model (aka FHIR version) is not loaded in the pipeline.

  • SearchParameters should not be dependent upon the time of indexing. Therefore we disallow the functions below to be used in their expressions. Firely Server will log an error if any of these are encountered, and the SearchParameter will not be used.

    • now()

    • timeOfDay()

    • today()


  • Composite search parameters are more accurately supported on SQL Server. Previously, a match could be made across components (e.g. the code from one Observation.component and the value of another). This was very efficient from a database perspective, but not entirely correct as it could yield more results than expected. We corrected that behavior, so a resource must match all parts of the parameter in the same component. This comes with a database migration, see above.


    For new or updated resources, the changes take effect immediately. To apply it to existing resources, you will need to re-index all resources affected by composite search parameters. In general that is just Observation resources. You can Rebuild the search index for specific searchparameters by including the composite parameters and their components:

    POST <base>/administration/<R4 or R5>/reindex/searchparameters


    If you still use the old SQL Server implementation (see Release 4.6.0, Nov 18th, 2021), you do not benefit from this improvement. Please upgrade to the new implementation.

  • All warnings about composite search parameters during startup (usually caused by remaining errors in the FHIR specification) are resolved.

  • Also several other errors in the FHIR specification were fixed in the various files, so FS does not need to warn about them anymore:

    • STU3, search parameters of type reference that lacked a target element:

      • Linkage.item parameter

      • Linkage.source parameter

      • RequestGroup-instantiates-canonical

    • R5, search parameters that lack a fhirpath expression:

      • Medication.form

      • MedicationKnowledge.packaging-cost

      • MedicationKnowledge.packaging-cost-concept

  • Custom search parameters may contain errors in their FHIRPath expression. These can manifest either when adding them to Firely Server, or when they are evaluated against a new or updated resource. In both cases we improved the error reporting.

  • AuditEvents generated for interactions with Firely Server using FHIR R5 were missing a link to the Patient compartment in case a Patient resource was created/read/updated/deleted. Now the AuditEvent.patient element is populated in these cases and by this linked to the Patient compartment. Previously generated AuditEvents are therefore not exported as part of a Bulk Data Export request on a Patient level or when using $everything on Patient.

  • Any markdown in the CapabilityStatement is properly escaped.

  • Firely Server does not support the search parameters whose field xpathUsage (STU3, R4) or processingMode (R5) is not set to normal. They are now filtered at startup. See Limitations on search.

  • CapabilityStatement.instantiates on the <url>/metadata endpoint only lists the CapabilityStatements from the administration API that have their status:active.

  • Firely Server did not support bringing a resource that has earlier been deleted back to life with a conditional update while providing the logical id of the resource in the request payload.

  • Sensitive information in the settings that was logged before is now redacted:

    • the SSL Certificate password

    • the MongoDB connectionstring

  • Regarding Re-indexing for new or changed SearchParameters: if an erroneous parameter is provided as include, a proper error is returned.

  • URL query decoding was revamped. You should not see any differences, but please contact us if you do.

  • Firely Server leniently accepted a literal unescaped “+” sign as part of the request url and didn’t interpret it as a reserved character according to RFC 3986. Firely Server now correctly interprets it as whitespace.

    • This improves the cooperation with AWS API Gateway, that encodes spaces as + by default.

    • Only the ‘+’ in the _format=fhir+json parameter is retained.


      In case the + sign is used as part of a search parameter value it needs to be URL encoded as %2B. An unescaped value will be interpreted as described above, which may lead to unexpected results.

  • When using the settings to Restrict supported resources and SearchParameters, it was easy to forget two parameters that Firely Server depends on. These parameters are now always added silently:

    • Resource._lastUpdated

    • StructureDefinition.url

Plugin and Facade

  • Vonk.Core no longer references the deprecated package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core:2.2.0 (see related MSDN documentation).


For plugin developers, this could result in a compilation error when rebuilding against the latest Vonk.Core nuget package:

CS0104: 'BadHttpRequestException' is an ambiguous reference between 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.BadHttpRequestException' and 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.BadHttpRequestException'

In this case, make sure to reference Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.BadHttpRequestException, as Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.BadHttpRequestException has been marked as obsolete.

  • The ONC 2014 Edition Cures Update paragraph 170.315(b)(10) Electronic Health Information Export requires the export of a single Patients’ record. We made two interfaces public to allow Facade implementers to implement that export, and facilitate the new filters in BDE 2.0. They are very similar to their counterparts IPatientBulkDataExportRepository and IGroupBulkDataExportRepository, but add the ability to filter by a list of logical id’s of Patients.

    • IPatientBulkDataWithPatientsFilterExportRepository

    • IGroupBulkDataWithPatientsFilterExportRepository

  • Loading dll’s: In 5.0.0 we made the assembly loading resilient to duplicate dll’s. That has led to a regression error with loading native (non .NET) dll’s. We fixed that.

Release 5.0.0, March 9th, 2023

We are thrilled to announce the release of our new major version 5.0 of Firely Server. The team has worked hard to incorporate new features and improvements that we believe will enhance your experience greatly. We are excited to share this new release with our customers and look forward to their feedback.



Parts of the configuration were overhauled. If you have adjusted the appsettings either in appsettings.instance.json or in environment variables, make sure to to update your configuration accordingly. Please follow the bullets below.

  1. The configuration section for additional endpoints in the discovery document and additional issuers in tokens has been reworked. Consult the SMART Configuration section for more details.

  2. The client id of the default SMART authorization options have been changed from vonk to firelyserver.

  3. Add this new namespace to the root (/) path of the PipelineOptions: Vonk.Plugin.Operations. The result should look like this:

    "PipelineOptions": {
        "PluginDirectory": "./plugins",
        "Branches": [
            "Path": "/",
            "Include": [
            "Path": "/administration",
            "Include": [


  1. Due to improvements for searches on version-specific references, the database was updated for both SQL Server and MongoDB. Firely Server will usually perform the upgrade automatically. For details, see Migrations.

    1. SQL Server is upgraded from schema 25 to 26. The upgrade script file is named /sqlserver/FS_SchemaUpgrade_Data_v25_v26.sql.

    2. MongoDB is upgraded from schema 24 to 25. The upgrade script file is named /mongodb/FS_SchemaUpgrade_Data_v24_v25.

    3. The administration database is not affected by this change, so you don’t need to upgrade that.

  2. The database upgrade means that you also need an upgraded version of Firely Server Ingest, version 2.0.1


  1. The initial public version of Firely Auth has been released. Firely Auth is an optimized OAuth2 provider that understands SMART on FHIR scopes and the FHIR resource types they apply to out of the box. See Firely Auth for more information.

  2. The default information model for Firely Server is now R4.

  3. FHIR R5 (based on v5.0.0-snapshot3) is now officially supported and not considered experimental anymore. We will also support the final release of FHIR R5 once it is published.


    If you used R5 with Firely Server before and your administration database is either SQL or MongoDB based, you need to either delete it or reimport all FHIR R5 artifacts. If you use SQLite, you should use our new administration database that is distributed with Firely Server. If you need any assistance, please contact us.

  4. Firely Server is now certified according to §170.315 (g)(10) Standardized API for patient and population services, see our G10 feature page for more information.

  5. Bulk Data Export now supports SMART on FHIR v2.

  6. Our SMART on FHIR documentation has been updated for SMART on FHIR v2.

  7. Support for our AccessPolicy resource has been added. This allows building of custom access policy resources. See the AccessPolicy section to learn more about it.

  8. Firely Server now generates FHIR AuditEvent resources conforming to IHE Basic Audit Log Patterns. Fields that are included in the audit event log and AuditEvent resources now contain the same content.

  9. Contents of AuditEvents can now be modified via a plugin. See AuditEvent customization for further info.

  10. Two new operations have been added, namely $verify-integrity and $verify-integrity-status. These allow you to verify that no AuditEvents have been manipulated on the server. See AuditEvent Integrity on how to use this feature.

  11. You can now add signatures to AuditEvents. See AuditEvent Integrity for more information.

  12. Firely Server now supports searching on version-specific references. Consult the FHIR specification for more information.

  13. Serilog CorrelationId support has been enabled in Firely Server. Please consult the official documentation on how to configure it.

  14. We have added a public Postman collection to test Firely Server’s RESTful endpoints.

  15. Wildcard support for include is now declared in Firely Server’s CapabilityStatement.

  16. Navigational links (next, prev, last) in a searchset bundle are now anonymized by default. Privacy-sensitive information in search parameter values are hidden behind a UUID. Please note that this behaviour is required by FHIR R5 and can only be disabled in FHIR R4 and STU3. See Navigational links for more information.


  1. When performing a Bulk Data Export request with a Firely Server instance running on a SQL database, it will return the Group resource even if it has no members.

  2. FS now declares support for Bulk Data Export Group export operations in its CapabilityStatement. This features was available before, but missing from FS’s CapabilityStatement.

  3. Bulk Data Export now returns a successful status code (202) instead of an erroneous status code if no resources were matched for an export. The resulting export will include an empty array as described in the specification.

  4. Upon commencing a Bulk Data Export, Firely Server now correctly handles Prefer headers as outlined in the specification.

  5. Device can now be added as an additional resource in a Bulk Data export.

  6. Search parameters without a value are now ignored by the server instead of resulting in an error response.

  7. Firely Server now creates valid FHIR R5 AuditEvents.

  8. Searching for a resource with multiple sort fields does not throw an exception anymore when Firely Server runs on a SQL database.

  9. When using the If-Modified-Since header, only resources that were modified after the specified timestamp are returned. Because of a precision mismatch (seconds vs. milliseconds), wrong resources were sometimes returned before this fix.

  10. When updating a deleted resource conditionally, Firely Server does not throw an exception anymore.

  11. Firely Server now returns the correct issue code (business-rule instead of invalid) in the OperationOutcome when performing a conditional update using _id as a parameter. Additionally, the error message has been improved when a resource in a different information model is matched via the id field.

  12. When executing a POST-based search, Firely Server will now return the correct self-link as seen in GET-based searches.

  13. Firely Server now returns improved error messages if the client is not allowed to perform searches due to insufficient SMART v2 scopes.

  14. Support for Firely Server using a SQLite database on arm64-based Macs was improved.

  15. During SMART on FHIR v2 discovery, Firely Server now returns the grant_types_supported field.

  16. Firely Server now returns the correct CodeSystem within the security section of its CapabilityStatement. Before this change, the old R3 CodeSystem was falsely returned.

  17. Firely Server will now handle duplicate DLLs and assemblies more gracefully in case they were accidentally added to its plugin directory.

  18. When overwriting Search Parameters, the new Search Parameters will now be included in the CapabilityStatement instead of the overwritten ones. This feature was introduced with Firely Server 4.7.0 but broke in between the last releases.

  19. The two SearchParameters ConceptMap-target-uri and ConceptMap-source-uri for ConceptMap have been fixed.

  20. For FHIR STU3 and R4, Contract, GuidanceResponse and Task have been added to the Patient compartment. This fix is backported from the FHIR R5 release.

  21. Firely Server now returns a 404 and OperationOutcome when the status of a canceled export is requested.

  22. When preloading resources via Firely Server’s import feature, no more errors will be logged if subfolders are present.

  23. Warnings and errors with regards to AuditEvent indexing problems have been fixed and will no longer appear in the log.

  24. Searches on period elements that have equal start/end times either at the start or beginning of the year will now return the correct results. Previously, these searches did not return any results.

  25. The US Core patient search parameters have been fixed. They now only target Patient, not Group and Patient.

  26. The response for unsupported Prefer headers has been improved. The Prefer header’s value is now included in the OperationOutcome.

  27. Firely Server will now respond more gracefully with a 408 instead of a 500 status code in case the $everything operation times out.

  28. Custom SearchParameters can now include the character ‘-’ in code.

  29. The copyright data in Firely Server’s executable has been updated.

  30. Miscellaneous flaws in Firely Server’s Swagger documentation UI have been fixed.

  31. Custom resources are no longer exposed in the CapabilityStatement. The required binding on led to a validation error.


  1. We upgraded our MongoDB drivers to fix a recently discovered security vulnerability. According to CVE-2022-4828 Firely Server is not vulnerable.

  2. All of the contents included in Firely Server’s index page are now hosted locally which prevents attackers from injecting malicious Javascript via manipulating externally hosted content.

Plugin and Facade

  1. Firely Server and internal plugins now use the Firely .NET SDK 5.0.0. Follow the link for an overview of all changes.

  2. Vonk.Core now targets net6.0.

  3. All Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.* packages have been updated to version 6.0.13. Please upgrade your plugin or facade to this version as well.


    Due to the above changes, all of your plugins need to be recompiled against this FS release.

  4. Please note that the Vonk.Smart package will not be published on NuGet anymore.

  5. A new plugin is bundled together by default with Firely Server: Vonk.Plugin.SearchAnonymization. Please see the feature section above for a description. The plugin is enabled by default in the pipeline options.

  6. The appsettings in our Vonk.Facade.Starter project now reflect the namespace changes introduced with FS 5.0.0.

API cleanup (relevant to plugin developers)

We cleaned up the public API: classes and methods that had been earlier marked as deprecated have now been made private and therefore not available for plugin developers anymore. This makes us more flexible in developing Firely Server in the future because we don’t need to maintain the functionality that anyone has hardly used. If you find out that something that you’ve been using in the previous versions is not available anymore, please get in touch with us.

Additionally, in many places where we used to refer to, we are now using SearchParameter.code. This was made to be more aligned with the specification. For you, as a plugin developer, that means several changes:

  • Class Vonk.Core.Common.VonkConstants.ParameterNames has been renamed to Vonk.Core.Common.VonkConstants.ParameterCodes

  • Method static VonkSearchParameter IModelServiceExtensions.FindSearchParameterByName has been renamed to static VonkSearchParameter FindSearchParameterByCode

  • Method static IEnumerable<VonkSearchParameter> IModelServiceExtensions.FindSearchParametersByName has been renamed to static IEnumerable<VonkSearchParameter> IModelServiceExtensions.FindSearchParametersByCode

  • Property String VonkSearchParameter.Name has been renamed to String VonkSearchParameter.Code

  • Property String VonkSearchParameterComponent.ParameterName has been renamed to String VonkSearchParameterComponent.ParameterCode

List of classes/structs/interfaces removed from the public API

    renamed to Vonk.Core.Common.VonkConstants.ParameterCodes
Vonk.Core.Repository.Generic.GenericEntryBuilder<B, E>
Vonk.Core.Repository.Generic.GenericEntryIndexerContext<B, E>
Vonk.Core.Support.CachedDictionary<K, V>
Vonk.Core.Support.EnumWrapper<TWrapperEnum, TWrappedEnum>
Vonk.Core.Support.ListWrapper<TItemInterface, TItemWrapper, TWrappedItem>

List of methods/properties removed from the public API

static IResource IResourceExtensions.Cache(this IResource original, String name, Object toCache, Type cacheAsType)
static IResource IResourceExtensions.Cache(this IResource original, Object toCache)
static IResource IResourceExtensions.Cache<T>(this IResource original, T toCache)
static IResource IResourceExtensions.Cache(this IResource original, String name, Object toCache)
static IResource IResourceExtensions.Cache<T>(this IResource original, String name, T toCache)
static IEnumerable<Object> IResourceExtensions.GetCached(this IResource from, Type cachedAsType = null, String name = null)
static IEnumerable<T> IResourceExtensions.GetCached<T>(this IResource from, String name = null)
static Boolean IResourceExtensions.TryGetCached<T>(this IResource from, out T result)
static Boolean IResourceExtensions.TryGetCached<T>(this IResource from, String name, out T result)
static IEnumerable<Object> IResourceExtensions.GetCached(this IResource from, String name)
static OperationOutcome IVonkOutcomeExtensions.ToOperationOutcome(this VonkOutcome vonkOutcome, IStructureDefinitionSummaryProvider schemaProvider)
static VonkOutcome IVonkOutcomeExtensions.ToVonkOutcome(this OperationOutcome operationOutcome)
static void IVonkOutcomeExtensions.AddIssue(this VonkOutcome vonkOutcome, IssueComponent issueComponent)
static void QueryableExtensions.RunInBatches<T>(this IQueryable<T> collection, Int32 batchSize, Action<IEnumerable<T>> action)
static Task QueryableExtensions.RunInBatchesAsync<T>(this IQueryable<T> collection, Int32 batchSize, Func<IEnumerable<T>, Task> action)
SpecificationZipLocator.SpecificationZipLocator(IHostingEnvironment hostingEnv, ILogger<SpecificationZipLocator> logger)
static Boolean StringExtensions.TrySplitCanonical(this String reference, out String uri, out String version)

static VonkSearchParameter IModelServiceExtensions.FindSearchParameterByName(this IModelService modelService, String parameterName, String resourceTypeName)
    signature changed to static VonkSearchParameter FindSearchParameterByCode(this IModelService modelService, string parameterCode, string resourceTypeName)
static IEnumerable<VonkSearchParameter> IModelServiceExtensions.FindSearchParametersByName(this IModelService modelService, String parameterName, params String[] resourceTypeNames)
    signature changed to static IEnumerable<VonkSearchParameter> IModelServiceExtensions.FindSearchParametersByCode(this IModelService modelService, String parameterCode, params String[] resourceTypeNames)
String VonkSearchParameter.Name.get
    signature changed to String VonkSearchParameter.Code.get
void VonkSearchParameter.Name.set
    signature changed void VonkSearchParameter.Code.set
String VonkSearchParameterComponent.ParameterName.get
    signature changed String VonkSearchParameterComponent.ParameterCode.get
void VonkSearchParameterComponent.ParameterName.set
    signature changed void VonkSearchParameterComponent.ParameterCode.set
Q IRepoQueryFactory<Q>.Filter(String parameterName, IFilterValue value)
    signature changed to Q IRepoQueryFactory<Q>.Filter(String parameterCode, IFilterValue value)
IncludeShape.IncludeShape(String sourceType, String parameterName, String[] targetTypes, Boolean recurse = false)
    signature changed to IncludeShape.IncludeShape(String sourceType, String parameterCode, String[] targetTypes, Boolean recurse = false)
RevIncludeShape.RevIncludeShape(String sourceType, String parameterName, String[] targetTypes, Boolean recurse = false)
    signature changed to RevIncludeShape.RevIncludeShape(String sourceType, String parameterName, String[] targetTypes, Boolean recurse = false)
SortShape.SortShape(String parameterName, SearchParamType parameterType, SortDirection direction = SortDirection.ascending, Int32 priority = 1)
    signature changed to SortShape.SortShape(String parameterCode, SearchParamType parameterType, SortDirection direction = SortDirection.ascending, Int32 priority = 1)


  1. Vonk Loader has been deprecated.


With the release of Firely Server 5.0, we will officially stop support for Firely Server v3.x. We will continue supporting customers that run Firely Server v4.x.

Release 5.0.0-beta1, January 19th, 2023


This is a beta release of Firely Server 5.0.0. Although the core functionality remains fully intact, parts of the public API have been removed or heavily modified. Please consult the list under section ‘Plugin and Facade’ and check whether your implementation is affected by these changes.



Parts of the configuration were overhauled, starting with FS 5.0.0-beta1. If you have adjusted the appsettings either in appsettings.instance.json or in environment variables, make sure to to update your configuration accordingly. Please follow the bullets below.

  1. The configuration section for additional endpoints in the discovery document and additional issuers in tokens has been reworked. Consult the SMART Configuration section for more details.

  2. Add this new namespace to the root (/) path of the PipelineOptions: Vonk.Plugin.Operations. The result should look like this:

    "PipelineOptions": {
        "PluginDirectory": "./plugins",
        "Branches": [
            "Path": "/",
            "Include": [
            "Path": "/administration",
            "Include": [


  1. Because of feature 6 below, searching on version-specific references, the database was updated for both SQL Server and MongoDB. Firely Server will usually perform the upgrade automatically. For details, see Migrations.

    1. SQL Server is upgraded from schema 25 to 26. The upgrade script file is named /sqlserver/FS_SchemaUpgrade_Data_v25_v26.sql.

    2. MongoDB is upgraded from schema 24 to 25. The upgrade script file is named /mongodb/FS_SchemaUpgrade_Data_v24_v25.

    3. The administration database is not affected by this change, so you don’t need to upgrade that.

  2. The database upgrade means that you also need an upgraded version of Firely Server Ingest, version 2.0


  1. The initial public version of Firely Auth has been released. Firely Auth is an optimized OAuth2 provider that understands SMART on FHIR scopes and the FHIR resource types they apply to out of the box. See Firely Auth for more information.

  2. The default information model for Firely Server is now R4.

  3. Bulk Data Export now supports SMART on FHIR v2.

  4. Our SMART on FHIR documentation has been updated for SMART on FHIR v2.

  5. Contents of AuditEvents can now be modified via a plugin. See AuditEvent customization for further info.

  6. Firely Server now supports searching on version-specific references. Consult the FHIR specification for more information.

  7. Firely Server now generates FHIR AuditEvent resources conforming to IHE Basic Audit Log Patterns. Fields that are included in the audit event log and AuditEvent resources now contain the same content.


  1. When performing a Bulk Data Export request with a Firely Server instance running on a SQL database, it will return the Group resource even if it has no members.

  2. FS now declares support for Bulk Data Export Group export operations in its CapabilityStatement. This features was available before, but missing from FS’s CapabilityStatement.

  3. Bulk Data Export now returns a successful status code (202) instead of an erroneous status code if no resources were matched for an export. The resulting export will include an empty array as described in the specification.

  4. Upon commencing a Bulk Data Export, Firely Server now correctly handles Prefer headers as outlined in the specification.

  5. Device can now be added as an additional resource in a Bulk Data export.

  6. Search parameters without a value are now ignored by the server instead of resulting in an error response.

  7. Firely Server now creates valid FHIR R5 AuditEvents.

  8. Searching for a resource with multiple sort fields does not throw an exception anymore when Firely Server runs on a SQL database.

  9. When using the If-Modified-Since header, only resources that were modified after the specified timestamp are returned. Because of a precision mismatch (seconds vs. milliseconds), wrong resources were sometimes returned before this fix.

  10. When updating a deleted resource conditionally, Firely Server does not throw an exception anymore.

  11. Firely Server now returns the correct issue code (business-rule instead of invalid) in the OperationOutcome when performing a conditional update using _id as a parameter. Additionally, the error message has been improved when a resource in a different information model is matched via the id field.

  12. When executing a POST-based search, Firely Server will now return the correct self-link as seen in GET-based searches.

  13. The client id of the default SMART authorization options have been changed from vonk to firelyserver.

  14. Firely Server now returns improved error messages if the client is not allowed to perform searches.

  15. Support for Firely Server using a SQLite database on arm64-based Macs was improved.

  16. During SMART on FHIR v2 discovery, Firely Server now returns the grant_types_supported field.

  17. Firely Server now returns the correct CodeSystem within the security section of its R4 CapabilityStatement. Before this change, the old R3 CodeSystem was falsely returned.

  18. Firely Server will now handle duplicate DLLs and assemblies more gracefully in case they were accidentally added to its plugin directory.

  19. When overwriting Search Parameters, the new Search Parameters will now be included in the CapabilityStatement instead of the overwritten ones. This feature was introduced with Firely Server 4.7.0 but broke in between the last releases.

Plugin and Facade

  1. Firely Server now uses the Firely .NET SDK 4.3.0. Follow the link for an overview of all changes.


Due to the above namespace change, all of your plugins need to be recompiled against this FS release.

  1. Please note that the Vonk.Smart package will not be published on NuGet anymore.

Below modules of the public API are deprecated and no longer available to Facade developers. Please consult chapter Programming API Reference for a full overview of the public API.

  1. Simplifier.Licensing

  2. Vonk.Core.Common.IGenericResourceResolver

  3. Vonk.Core.Common.ResourceWithCache.ResourceExtensions

  4. Vonk.Core.Configuration.ConfigurationLogger

  5. Vonk.Core.Conformance.ConformanceConfiguration

  6. Vonk.Core.Conformance.IConformanceCache

  7. Vonk.Core.Conformance.IConformanceCacheInvalidation

  8. Vonk.Core.Context.Elements

  9. Vonk.Core.Context.Features.CompartmentFeatureMiddleware

  10. Vonk.Core.Context.Features.VonkContextFeaturesExtensions

  11. Vonk.Core.Context.Format

  12. Vonk.Core.Context.Http

  13. Vonk.Core.Context.Internal

  14. Vonk.Core.Context.OutputPreference

  15. Vonk.Core.Context.ContextConfiguration

  16. Vonk.Core.Context.VonkBaseArguments

  17. Vonk.Core.Context.VonkBaseRequest

  18. Vonk.Core.Context.VonkResponse

  19. Vonk.Core.Import

  20. Vonk.Core.Infra.LongRunning.LongRunningTaskConfiguration

  21. Vonk.Core.Infra.Maintenance.IMaintenanceJob

  22. Vonk.Core.Infra.Maintenance.MaintenanceConfiguration

  23. Vonk.Core.Infra.ResponseCache.CapabilityCache

  24. Vonk.Core.Infra.ResponseCache.CapabilityCacheConfiguration

  25. Vonk.Core.Licensing.LicenseConfiguration

  26. Vonk.Core.Licensing.LicenseOptions

  27. Vonk.Core.Licensing.LicenseService

  28. Vonk.Core.Metadata.CapabilityStatementBuilder

  29. Vonk.Core.Metadata.CompartmentInfo

  30. Vonk.Core.Metadata.CompartmentReference

  31. Vonk.Core.Metadata.IArgumentValidationService

  32. Vonk.Core.Metadata.MetadataCache

  33. Vonk.Core.Metadata.MetaDataConfiguration

  34. Vonk.Core.Metadata.ModelService

  35. Vonk.Core.Metadata.ModelServiceConformance

  36. Vonk.Core.Model.CommonExtensions

  37. Vonk.Core.Model.Compartment

  38. Vonk.Core.Operations.*

  39. Vonk.Core.Operations.PagingService

  40. Vonk.Core.Operations.IPagingService

  41. Vonk.Core.Pluggability.ModelContributors

  42. Vonk.Core.Pluggability.ModelContributors.IModelContributor

  43. Vonk.Core.Pluggability.IModelBuilder

  44. Vonk.Core.Quartz.QuartzServiceUtilities

  45. Vonk.Core.Repository.IAdministrationChangeRepository

  46. Vonk.Core.Repository.IReplaceRepository

  47. Vonk.Core.Repository.IResetRepository

  48. Vonk.Core.Repository.HistoryEntry

  49. Vonk.Core.Repository.HistoryResult

  50. Vonk.Core.Serialization.ParsingOptions

  51. Vonk.Core.Serialization.SerializationConfiguration

  52. Vonk.Core.Serialization.SerializationService

  53. Vonk.Core.Support.AttributeSupportExtensions

  54. Vonk.Core.Support.BundleHelpers

  55. Vonk.Core.Support.BundleResolver

  56. Vonk.Core.Support.CachedDictionary

  57. Vonk.Core.Support.ConfigurationExtensions

  58. Vonk.Core.Support.HttpContextExtensions

  59. Vonk.Core.Support.IApplicationBuilderExtensions

  60. Vonk.Core.Support.IOAccessWrapper

  61. Vonk.Core.Support.IServiceScopeExtensions

  62. Vonk.Core.Support.LinqKitExtensions (Moved to Vonk.Facade.Relational)

  63. Vonk.Core.Support.QuantityExtensions

  64. Vonk.Core.Support.Result<T>

  65. Vonk.Core.Support.VonkSearchParameterEqualityComparer

  66. Vonk.Core.Support.TypedElementExtensions

  67. Vonk.Core.Support.Wrapper

  68. Vonk.Core.Support.EnumWrapper

  69. Vonk.Fhir.R3.Configuration.*

  70. Vonk.Fhir.R3.Import.*

  71. Vonk.Fhir.R3.Metadata.ICapabilityResourceProviderR3

  72. Vonk.Fhir.R3.Model.Capability.SystemRestfulInteractionComponentR3

  73. Vonk.Fhir.R3.Model.Capability.TypeRestfulInteractionComponentR3

  74. Vonk.Fhir.R3.Validation.ValidationConfigurationR3

  75. Vonk.Fhir.R3.FhirClientWithBasicAuthentication

  76. Vonk.Fhir.R3.FhirContextModelContributor

  77. Vonk.Fhir.R3.IConformanceCacheR3

  78. Vonk.Fhir.R3.ConformanceCacheR3

  79. Vonk.Fhir.R3.MetadataCacheR3

  80. Vonk.Fhir.R3.QuantityExtensions

  81. Vonk.Fhir.R4.Configuration.*

  82. Vonk.Fhir.R4.Import.*

  83. Vonk.Fhir.R4.Metadata.ICapabilityResourceProviderR4

  84. Vonk.Fhir.R4.Model.Capability.SystemRestfulInteractionComponentR4

  85. Vonk.Fhir.R4.Model.Capability.TypeRestfulInteractionComponentR4

  86. Vonk.Fhir.R4.Validation.ValidationConfigurationR4

  87. Vonk.Fhir.R4.FhirClientWithBasicAuthentication

  88. Vonk.Fhir.R4.FhirContextModelContributor

  89. Vonk.Fhir.R4.IConformanceCacheR4

  90. Vonk.Fhir.R4.ConformanceCacheR4

  91. Vonk.Fhir.R4.MetadataCacheR4

  92. Vonk.Fhir.R4.QuantityExtensions

  93. Vonk.Fhir.R5.Configuration.*

  94. Vonk.Fhir.R5.Import.*

  95. Vonk.Fhir.R5.Metadata.ICapabilityResourceProviderR5

  96. Vonk.Fhir.R5.Model.Capability.SystemRestfulInteractionComponentR5

  97. Vonk.Fhir.R5.Model.Capability.TypeRestfulInteractionComponentR5

  98. Vonk.Fhir.R5.Validation.ValidationConfigurationR5

  99. Vonk.Fhir.R5.FhirClientWithBasicAuthentication

  100. Vonk.Fhir.R5.FhirContextModelContributor

  101. Vonk.Fhir.R5.IConformanceCacheR5

  102. Vonk.Fhir.R5.ConformanceCacheR5

  103. Vonk.Fhir.R5.MetadataCacheR5

  104. Vonk.Fhir.R5.QuantityExtensions


  1. Vonk Loader has been deprecated.